Savannah Scott
March 2024
North Texas State Hospital
Wichita Falls
United States




Savannah was the only staff member who was able to establish a rapport with this patient, and because of the extra time and effort she spent doing that, the patient started eating, and their health began to improve.
Savannah is one of the most exceptional nurses I have had the privilege to work with. She regularly goes above and beyond when caring for our patients. However, I would like to specifically highlight how essential she was in the successful treatment of one of our most ill patients. This patient only communicated by writing after suffering a massive trauma in their life and was unwilling to speak to any of us. They had been requiring almost daily transfer and admission to the medical hospital for medical emergencies related to not eating. Savannah was the only staff member who was able to establish a rapport with this patient, and because of the extra time and effort she spent doing that, the patient started eating, and their health began to improve. It set the tone for the rest of the patient’s hospitalization, encouraged the patient to begin trusting and interacting with the rest of the treatment team, and was instrumental in the success of their treatment.

I believe her willingness to go above and beyond so often comes from a place of deep empathy and compassion for our patients. She never gives up when trying to find solutions for our patients and has an incredible talent for understanding their needs, spoken and, more importantly, unspoken. I am so thankful to work with her and have gained so much personally from her perspective and experiences. She is an extraordinary person and an undeniable asset to our team, and we are so lucky to have her!