May 2012
Scharalda (Shelley)
Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center School of Nursing
New Orleans
United States




As Project Director and Clinic Director for a HRSA grant which funds the School of Nursing's first nurse managed clinic, Dr Shelley Jeanfreau is spearheading interprofessional practice and education efforts. Part of Dr. Jeanfreau's vision for the nurse managed clinic is to provide an educational environment where nursing students and clinic patients will have an opportunity to learn from each other, and where nursing students from all LSUHealth SON programs will maximize their learning experience with older adults. In alignment with the Carnegie and the IOM reports, Dr. Jeanfreau has linked the nurse managed clinic to the LSUHealth Schools of Medicine, Dentistry, Allied Health, and Public Health, as well as SUNO?s School of Social Work, LSU?s School of Human Ecology (Human Nutrition & Food), and Xavier?s School of Pharmacy, to provide interprofessional education for these health professions? students and faculty. Dr. Jeanfreau has created an educational template that provides a win-win scenario for all: all schools, faculty, and students; and all clinic patients and community residents. Dr. Jeanfreau is a consummate nurse clinician, a visionary educator, and a role model for us all.