May 2021
Case Western Reserve University Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing
United States




Shannon took time to listen, encourage, and support all the students so they could view this unprecedented time with understanding and a valued lesson in learning how to address changing needs of everyone we care for in the community.
When the pandemic halted the community placement opportunities for our students, Shannon immediately began working on alternative experiences. She never hesitated, just jumped in, tackled it and our students never missed a beat in their education experience. She found new opportunities, not just a place to go, but meaningful sites where our students could continue clinical hours, gain new experiences, progress through each course objective, and serve a need in our community. She collaborated quickly and met with members of departments across the university to determine what our nursing students might provide assistance with to meet needs across the university and the greater community. The pandemic has changed our lives in many ways and on many different levels. It was sudden, it was scary, and it required quick responses, quick action, and creative solutions. These are all great qualities of a nurse and nurse leader. The multi-tasking, problem-solving, and critical judgment skills kicked in and Shannon was immediately immersed in conversing and planning with faculty, the Dean, health services staff, and community agencies. She connected with the organizations needing community services in the COVID 19 vaccine administration clinics. Shannon was able to transition students into experiences that continue to provide valuable learning experiences through the end of the semester. Who would ever have imagined we would be starting another academic year needing the same creativity and focused effort a year later. Shannon took time to listen, encourage, and support all the students so they could view this unprecedented time with understanding and a valued lesson in learning how to address changing needs of everyone we care for in the community. I think of the saying Carpe Diem (Seize the Day) when thinking of the transition during the pandemic. That is exactly what Shannon did - Seize the day – well in her case it ended up being 385 days of an unprecedented and unforgettable time. Individuals from the community have reached out to share their personal experiences and appreciation with a direct thank you to Shannon. Students showed their appreciation by recognizing the effort and additional support Shannon provided and that it made a big difference in their learning. Shannon was publicly recognized in the local media for making a difference, demonstrating her commitment to the health and well-being of students and members of our local communities.