Shannon Zupnick
December 2022
Med Surge
NCH Healthcare System
United States




Shannon is highly compassionate. She is very caring, genuinely warm, and encouraging to patients for needed emotional support.
Recently our wife and mother was hospitalized at NCH after being rushed by ambulance for complications regarding her stage 4 metastatic cancer. During these two weeks, several nurses cared for her along with a variety of other doctors and medical professionals. Among all of these, for both weeks we were most fortunate to have nurse Shannon assigned to care for her. We experienced firsthand the significant differences in the quality of care provided by all, especially other nurses. Shannon is an extraordinary professional who is a great asset to NCH and its patients.

Three key qualities differentiate her from others in ways that directly benefit grateful patients and families like us. Shannon is continuously advocating in timely ways for important medications, and actions needed for patients in fragile, serious conditions as my wife was. Second Shannon was always aware of what was going on, making sure as a highly competent RN that proper medical protocols and treatments were followed or adjusted by medical personnel. Lastly, Shannon is highly compassionate. She is very caring, genuinely warm, and encouraging to patients for needed emotional support. Her direct, eye-to-eye, hand-holding verbal assurance of my wife telling her she was doing well, making progress on a frequent basis made a huge positive impact on her spirit. My wife came to smile and would light up when Shannon entered the room or her name was mentioned. She also came to consider Shannon like another loving family member and with whom she felt so cared for