Sharon Baker
May 2022
Sharon A
Birth Center
Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital
St. Johnsbury
United States




I will forever look to the kinds of human contact care that Sharon excelled at.
Sharon has dedicated 30+ years to the women of this community. She remains steadfast in her belief that it is more often than not the simple things that have the greatest impact on her patients. Her reassuring touch and calm presence are her stalwarts. She is a believer in birth itself, and its power to have an impact on women for the rest of their lives. As the focus of our care turns more towards our ability to manipulate machines, I will forever look to the kinds of human contact care that Sharon excelled at. Because a birthing mother isn't just a name on a machine. She is a follower of all the women who have come before her. Women are proud, strong, and capable. Sharon never treats her patients as anything less.