Shaylie Johnson
March 2022
Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center
United States




In my anxiousness and depression of not being able to leave the hospital room, Shaylie was a light in the darkness.
Taylor was our night nurse the first night that we had to bring our 2.5-month-old baby back into the hospital after being told she was diagnosed with "failure to thrive". To say that we were anxious and scared was an understatement. I am so thankful for Taylor and the love and care that she provided for our daughter and the support that she provided to us as the parents. She made sure that we were comfortable and knew what was going on. That first night we were required to feed K every 2 hours to see if it would help. This was a change for us as she had been sleeping great prior to our hospital visit and we had not been waking her up to feed. As I lay in the bed drowsily feeding K, it seemed like by the time I fed, burped, and was settled back in that it was time to feed her yet again. Taylor helped by taking K with her to the nurses' station and making sure that we as the parents also got some time to rest. Taylor was with us for a few nights during our 5-night stay and I could not be more thankful for the compassion and love that she gave our daughter.

Shaylie was another outstanding nurse that we had the pleasure of having during multiple-day shifts during our stay. In my anxiousness and depression of not being able to leave the hospital room, Shaylie was a light in the darkness. She too provided love to K, she kept us up to date with what was going on, provided K with a small mobile, and made sure we were comfortable.

Once we received intake results from the nasal swab it showed that K had rhinovirus. This meant she was unable to leave the room to walk the halls or have certain things in our room. Shaylie also lovingly provided K with the nickname of "spicy" which has now stuck as she is our "spicy taco". K is now thriving and gaining weight in great ways. Both Taylor and Shaylie were amazing and greatly appreciated. After our experience in the pediatric unit and the care that was provided by every nurse, I am now working to pursue a career in pediatric nursing. I will truly forever be thankful for both Taylor and Shaylie.