December 2022
Nursing Surgical Services- Peri Anesthesia Team
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
United States




Shelby fostered hope for this patient even though the IV start was difficult.
Shelby Wright exhibits excellence in her nursing care. She is a dedicated and gifted critical thinker. In my experience as a coworker and relief staff leader (RSL), she practices with a great passion for all her patients. I have personally witnessed her ability to connect with patients and their families in the Interventional Radiology (IR) suite. The Diagnostic Imaging Peri-anesthesia team frequently interacts with new patients to have central lines placed for chemotherapy and biopsies to determine their diagnosis. Shelby and I both were in IR with a new teenage patient who was extremely anxious. Shelby worked hard to build a rapport with the patient, as she would need to start a peripheral line for the patient to receive general anesthesia. The patient was adamant that she could not handle the IV start. Shelby got down on the patient's level and encouraged the patient that she could get through the IV start. Even when the patient began to escalate and get out of control, Shelby remained calm and composed and offered support to the patient. Shelby fostered hope for this patient even though the IV start was difficult. Shelby connected with this patient to give her the emotional support she needed to receive an IV start, which took 3 attempts, and to express her emotions regarding the procedure. In all her patient care, Shelby exemplifies excellence, fosters hope, practices with passion, celebrates life, and connects with the patients/families. Shelby had been an awesome addition to the NSS D Peri-Anesthesia Team.