Sheree Jensen
August 2014
Labor & Delivery
Dignity Health St. Rose Dominican Hospital, San Martin Campus
Las Vegas
United States




After a nearly 24-hour induced labor, I dilated from 7 to 10 within 30 minutes. The doctor on-call was 45 minutes away from the hospital, and I was profoundly numb from the epidural. The baby was moving down the birth canal without any pushing and had the cord wrapped around her neck. Sheree kept me calm and relaxed (which was nearly impossible, as my husband was also about 40 minutes away from the hospital and I thought he was going to miss the birth.)

This was my third delivery, but I was terrified and close to hysterical. Sheree maintained contact with my baby in the birth canal, keeping me apprised moment by moment of what was happening with her and making sure that I did not laugh or cry too hard, thus, accidentally pushing the baby out, and that I was as calm and relaxed as possible until the doctor arrived and delivered. Had she not done so, the baby would have delivered without any pushing - that is how ready to be born she was!

Sheree's performance during the delivery followed hours of her careful assisting and monitoring my labor, expert assessment of how my baby and I were doing on the monitor, adjustment of the Pitocin, fully explaining to me every aspect of my delivery, keeping me apprised of her concerns and adjustments and just overall being an extremely friendly, caring, professional, WONDERFUL nurse!

I could not have asked or prayed for better care. She was fantastic and would not accept my praise for anything except for doing her regular job that she does every day. She is an asset to your hospital and her profession, and I don't think I am exaggerating a bit. Thank you, Sheree!