Sherry Wright
January 2025
Dupont Hospital
Fort Wayne
United States




One of her greatest qualities is that she cares. She takes time to listen. She looks for ways to solve problems without chaos and confusion. She reaches out to those who are struggling. She is patient. She is kind.
I have had the pleasure of working with Sherry for a little over two years. She is a unique leader. Leading by example, she does not pass a room with a call light on when she answers the call light; she takes care of the needs of the patient, not passing the buck or asking another to do what she is able to. Sherry’s door is always open to all of her team members. Staff are welcome to step inside a zone that is safe and close the door, allowing them the opportunity to voice frustrations, shed tears of joy or sorrow, vent feelings, and ask for help and guidance. Sherry is confident and leaves the safe space. Leaders like Sherry are rarely found. Even on those difficult days, she puts a smile on and carries herself as though everything is ok. She is a strong leader and is determined to provide a good atmosphere in her Med/Surg unit. But she also has soft edges, which enable her to relate to people, encourage others, and develop unity among her team. Sherry is knowledgeable and a great resource to Dupont team members. She has implemented PI initiatives with successful outcomes. One of her greatest qualities is that she cares. She takes time to listen. She looks for ways to solve problems without chaos and confusion. She reaches out to those who are struggling. She is patient. She is kind. I have never seen her be rude or short with team members or patients/families. Sherry puts in many hours each week and never complains. She is a leader who goes the extra mile for her team. There are many things I could say, but I have touched on the most important qualities of Sherry as a leader. She is deserving of this special award.


I would like to tell you a few things about Sherry. She is a person who gives 200% of herself and is always there to lend a helping hand if you need it. She is a person who is active in her church and her family. When I told her that I had cancer, she told me not to worry about my job, just to get better. The only thing she will ask from you is that you do your best, and if you mess up, don't hide it and be truthful to her. We may not know the reasoning behind what she is doing, but there is always a plan of action coming down the road that does reveal itself in time. She is a lady who does not complain; she just does it, and there have been many times when she has stayed or come in on days when other staff and executives had the day off. I am proud that I have the opportunity to work under her.