Shin Song
November 2021
Labor and Delivery
California Hospital Medical Center
Los Angeles
United States




Having Shin as my nurse improved my entire outcome, healing, and experience with having had a c-section for the first time.
I delivered via c-section. It was my first c-section after having 4 naturally occurring births. I was in so much intense pain and with each passing day, it seemed to be getting worse. It wasn't until I received Shin as my Nurse that it all changed. I was having a particularly difficult day and didn't think I was going to get through the pain, however, Shin came in and took extra time and attention to tend to my pain and my scar. She cleaned the tape and glue that had been left from the bandages with so much care.

Almost immediately after she provided care to my scar, my pain ceased to be intolerable. It was like she had the miracle touch, just taking the extra to care for me and using her healing hands to bring me back to life. Her energy brought me hope and she gave me so much information. Having Shin as my nurse improved my entire outcome, healing, and experience with having had a c-section for the first time. I am so thankful to have had such a special human make an impact in my life. I will never forget her or this experience. Thank you, Shin!