Sierra Linde
April 2018
I/P Medical
Billings Clinic
United States
Sierra was such an amazing advocate for me when I was unable to do so for myself. She was right by my side the whole time and spoke up to the physicians and staff to make the procedure happen in a way that was comfortable for me. She took the time to collaborate care with other medical workers and make sure that I was a part of the decision making. Sierra was so sweet and when I could barely get out of bed to take care of myself she took the time out of her crazy busy day to come to my room and braid my hair, so I could feel even the slightest bit human. As a nurse, myself, I learned from her compassion and care, how I could be a better nurse to my own patients. Sierra was outstanding, trustworthy, compassionate, gentle, an amazing team leader, and a wonderful patient advocate and I am so grateful for her!