Sissy O Quiba
January 2023
Sissy O
VIP/Royal Suites
Tawam Hospital
Al Ain
Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates




She held my mother’s hand and rubbed her arms as if reassuring her that everything will be fine.
I have always admired Ms. Sissy for her very skillful practice as a nurse. My mother is currently admitted to VIP Unit and I am always glad when I know she is on duty, either as a bedside nurse or as a team leader. She is very professional in her ways and is very respectful. She treats my mother like her mother too. The other evening, my mother was in severe pain. She was very quick in providing the pain relief and she held my mother’s hand and rubbed her arms as if reassuring her that everything will be fine. She came back to our room a couple of times to make sure my mother remained comfortable throughout her shift.

On one of the days when she was a unit team leader, we had so many concerns about my mother. She reassured us that the concerned doctors were following up. She made sure the diagnostic tests were on schedule by calling the departments. She was like a conductor leading an orchestra, coordinating everything that is necessary for my mother’s recovery.

Sissy made us feel that we are important and valued, and not just another patient in the unit. She treated us with dignity and respect, and we are very thankful that the hospital has her. We hope that more nurses are as diligent and professional as her.