Stephanie Altieri
June 2018
Winter Haven Hospital
Winter Haven
United States
Stephanie was caring for a critical patient admitted to the SICU when the patient's wife came to visit. During her visit at the bedside, the patient's wife developed crushing chest pain and diaphoresis. Stephanie took initiative and encouraged the wife to go to the ER immediately. Stephanie found a wheelchair and took her to the ER for a cardiac workup. After having a 12 lead EKG, it was found that the patient's wife was having a STEMI, where she immediately went to the Cath Lab. While in the Cath Lab, it was found that the wife had multi-vessel disease and would require a 4 vessel bypass. After the wife underwent her bypass surgery, Stephanie went to visit with her in CVICU to give her updates on the status of her husband who was still in SICU. After being downgraded to CVU, Stephanie continued to visit her and would also bring her down to visit her husband who was still in the SICU. Both the patient and his wife recovered and were eventually discharged to a SNF. A couple of months after this ordeal, the husband was admitted to the hospital again, but this time to a med/surg floor. The wife was so thankful to Stephanie that she made a trip over to SICU to thank her and show off her "awesome" scar!