Stephanie Johnson
April 2023
Women's Health Float Pool
Aurora BayCare Medical Center
Green Bay
United States




She gave us advice as if our mom was her very own loved one. She allowed us to help take care of our mother and be part of her minute-by-minute active support.
Our mother was admitted to Aurora Hospital for CHF. Our mother was told that she had kidney failure and her creatinine levels continued to rise, even dialysis would not help. Shockingly, our mother was placed on hospice care. Our family immediately stayed with her 24/7 as we attempted to accept what was happening. All the RNs and CNAs that cared for our mother were exceptional and did everything to keep her comfortable. However, one RN, Stephanie, stood out and went above and beyond to care for our mother and our family.

Stephanie explained to us, in layman's terms, the various stages our mother was experiencing. She gave us advice as if our mom was her very own loved one. She allowed us to help take care of our mother and be part of her minute-by-minute active support. In the early afternoon, Stephanie suggested that we call in our family members. Our mother died that late afternoon with her entire family with her because Stephanie had the insight to know that her time was coming close. She also helped us understand what would happen with her body. It took some time for the funeral home to pick up our mother's body, but Stephanie stayed late to walk our mother out of the hospital. Even after our mother was no longer a patient, Stephanie's shift was over, she still stayed, put her personal life aside, and cared for us and our mother's body. Although Stephanie was assigned to our mother, she also cared for us. We could not have asked for a better nurse than Stephanie - one amazing person!