November 2020
Home Care
Children's Mercy Kansas City




Her leadership during a time of many unknowns and fears for the medical community leaves me speechless. Thinking of Stephanie's sacrifice, selflessness, and dedication to her work brings me to tears.
Stephanie McDanel is one of the greatest and most impactful nurses I have had the pleasure to work alongside. Throughout my 12 years at Children's Mercy I have worked with those whom I consider some of the finest nurses in the country, and Stephanie is at the top of the list. We met in March of 2020 as the grip of the pandemic was starting to take hold of our patients, our hospital, our country, and our world. Stephanie was and is the home health nurse for one of my intractable epilepsy patients. As we searched for ways to meet with our patients remotely and continue to provide quality care, Stephanie and the other home health nurse bravely walked into patients' homes every day, placing themselves at risk, as well as their loved ones. I never saw a moment of hesitation on her face as she did her work exceptionally well. Her leadership during a time of many unknowns and fears for the medical community leaves me speechless. Thinking of Stephanie's sacrifice, selflessness, and dedication to her work brings me to tears.
The mutual patient we share requires a specialized diet to help improve seizure control, a diet for which inpatient admission is routinely required. In order to avoid the risk of exposure to COVID-19 in a medically complex patient, my neurology team and I partnered with Stephanie to initiate the diet at his home. The child's care never faltered or stalled, due to Stephanie's tireless efforts over the course of months, as she worked for the betterment of both him and his family. When I say I could not have done this without her, I mean every single word. I have never before witnessed the level of advocacy and love Stephanie has shown the patient and his family. It is truly remarkable that she provides the same level of care to her entire patient caseload, with a smile and exceptional attention to detail. She has helped the family in countless ways and enabled the continuation of the child's care through the pandemic and the daily challenges facing the family.
Stephanie and I have shared successes and failures and shared tearful communication on the best approach to care for the child and his family. I am humbled and blessed to learn from Stephanie. Her dedication, passion, and honesty are the defining characteristics of what an exceptional nurse is, and what Children's Mercy stands for. Stephanie is LOVE. Children's Mercy is beyond lucky to have her and I am equally lucky to work alongside her. Stephanie is someone I will never forget, and whose qualities I aspire to reflect in my own practice.