Stephanie Qualls
December 2023
Neuroscience Intensive Care Unit
Massachusetts General Hospital
United States




Ever since stepping into the role of ND on Lunder 6, Steph has made such a positive impact on the culture of the unit. Steph is the kind of ND that you feel like you can go to with anything. She is kind, compassionate, and approachable, and makes the time to sit and listen to you when you need it.
Although Steph has only been in the nursing director role on Lunder 6 for just over a year, she has made immense progress as a nurse leader and gained the respect of the floor in this short period of time. Taking on such a new and demanding position can be intimidating and overwhelming, but Steph has handled it like a pro. She is approachable for any issue you might be having, both professional and personal, and has been supportive of all her staff's needs. 

As a nurse who often is the resource for the floor, I have experienced a variety of conflicts on Lunder 6, and Steph has dropped everything to listen to the complaints, provide support, offer feedback, and immediately address the conflict/problem at hand with both maturity and professionalism. 

As an experienced nurse who recently obtained my MSN and has been looking for new job prospects, Steph has embraced my new occupational ambitions, has helped foster my clinical scholar application, and advocated for me in future job prospects. I am sincerely unbelievably lucky to have a nurse manager who has gone out of their way to help me achieve bigger and better things! 


Stephanie leads by example.  She has an amazing way of dealing with difficult families and patients while still supporting her staff.   She is able to set boundaries and devise plans that are mutually agreeable without being critical.  I have learned from her some invaluable ways to deal with verbally aggressive behavior. 
She promotes a safe and respectful environment that encourages learning and sharing of ideas amongst all healthcare professionals.  I especially like that she encourages the growth and support of new staff. I know if any of her staff need her help, she is available.  I have been a nurse for over 44 years, and I can honestly say she is the best nurse manager I have had the privilege of working for. 


Nurse Director Steph is a DAISY Nurse Leader as she makes a big impact on the care at the bedside. Steph exhibits all behaviors listed in the selection criteria while being professional, approachable, and supportive not only to the nursing staff but also to all interdisciplinary staff, patients, and their families. As the CNS/NPSs working alongside of her it is a pleasure coming to work every day, as her support and encouragement create a fun but professional working environment.    

Among many examples that showcase Steph’s empowering behavior, she has guided many staff through the clinical advancement program, and since she became our Nurse Director four nurses have become advanced clinicians. Steph frequently empowers staff to pursue Clinical Recognition by encouraging them and saying, "You're already doing the work at this level! Take credit for it." Steph also seeks out staff nurses for clinical and operational decisions by including them in all new hire interviews and takes their opinions into consideration. Steph also recently set up a simulation for our newly built two-bed receiving unit that was interdisciplinary and ran through a clinical scenario of admitting a patient to that space. With feedback from the simulation and by simply running the simulation itself, Steph was able to ease staff discomfort in a new environment and made our nurses feel empowered in a new clinical space.    

Steph showcases visibility by being available to her staff via phone/email, even when she is not on the unit. For example, overnight recently, the Resource RN texted Steph at 2 am about a staff emergency, and Steph within minutes called them back. She also makes a point to have regular staff meetings for each individual discipline, including nursing, critical care technicians, and unit coordinators at regular intervals to provide updates but also to hear concerns and work through problems that have been identified. 

Steph is in constant communication with us as her CNS/NPS colleagues, and we know that we can call/text her at any time. Her door is always open, both literally and metaphorically. When they say the Nurse Director and CNS/NPS should have a strong working relationship, that is saying the least.   

Steph showcases role modeling and advocacy for nursing practice every day. One example is that she has been alerting medical leadership to all high acuity, high stake patient-family dynamics. For example, we recently had a patient who had extreme agitation post-anesthesia and unfortunately kicked a staff RN in the face. Steph not only reported this incident to our medical director but also has been ensuring that the providers, including attendings, neurosurgeons, and medical leadership, are involved in acute care plans and safety awareness. She started this practice even before ABRAT was rolled out organizationally. This provides a more interdisciplinary approach and adds responsibility to the entire team while advocating for the nurses at the bedside and keeping them safe.  

Overall, Steph is a superior example of leadership, who showcases the values of this award in all her actions. We are so thrilled to work with her as our Nurse Director. Thank you, Steph!  


Ever since stepping into the role of ND on Lunder 6, Steph has made such a positive impact on the culture of the unit. Steph is the kind of ND that you feel like you can go to with anything. She is kind, compassionate, and approachable, and makes the time to sit and listen to you when you need it. 

This past year, I suddenly lost a family member and was very unsure how to manage time off of work while also trying to go home to see family. I met with Steph one morning and started to tell her about the situation. She worked with me and my schedule to make sure I would be able to go home and be with family. While it was just 10 minutes out of her day, that one meeting and her willingness to compromise with me gave me the opportunity to be able to say goodbye to my family member and grieve their loss. I was then able to come back to work in a better mental state, refreshed, and able to give the best care possible. From the start, Steph has made it very clear that she values her staff and our wellbeing and has always gone above and beyond for us. 


Stephanie has been an exemplary example of a nurse leader since her transition to nursing director of the neuroscience intensive care unit one year ago. She continually displays patience, kindness, and expansive knowledge to all groups and makes everyone feel welcomed, heard, and like they are a part of the team, no matter their role in the group. 

Recently, we had a tough family situation on our unit where a patient was with us for many weeks, and their family, at times, could make it difficult to provide care and have safe interactions. Stephanie had no hesitation in getting involved and coming up with a safe and effective plan for not only the patient but also the bedside nurses involved in caring for this patient. 

As a resource nurse myself, these types of situations can impact the nurses and assignments we make, and we must often get involved. On a Saturday night, Stephanie went out of her way to call me to check in to see how it was going with this family and offer support and guidance, all to make sure I and her bedside nurses were feeling safe and supported. Lunder 6 simply could not ask for a better example of a leader. You're the best, Steph! 


Steph started in this ICU at MGH in 2012 as a bedside nurse, transitioned to nurse specialist, and, in April of 2022, became our nursing director. Steph is a strong role model for her staff, as the mission and core values of this ICU are deeply ingrained in her from her experience in all the roles she has held. 

Steph's authentic presence and genuine interpersonal relationships with all disciplines create an excellent foundation to lead. As an animal lover, she knows all the pets of the unit!
Every day, she exemplifies and promotes the mission of this ICU and the characteristics of an excellent nurse leader through her empowerment and passion for excellence. She goes out of her way to promote staff development by supporting staff to attend educational conferences, encouraging participation in professional governance, and advancing their practice through the clinical recognition program (CRP). Just this year 4 nurses were recognized as advanced clinicians through the CRP, and multiple staff members attended out of state conferences. 

Steph's exemplary professional nursing practice empowers the nursing staff to work at the highest scope of their practice to ensure positive clinical outcomes and patient experience.