January 2017
HonorHealth John C. Lincoln Medical Center




Once in a while, you just have to let someone know about a special employee... His name is Steve. He was my mother's nurse during her recent stay at Honor Health. Mom had fallen, didn't break her hip, thank goodness, but was in a lot of pain from a horrible contusion and very disoriented from the drugs being administered. Steve had enough concern to try to get her back to some kind of coherency. Instead of just knocking her out, which was the easiest thing to do, he had the patience to move her healing forward - walking with her, putting up with her confusion and anger, getting her out of the drug-induced black hole and off the blood thinners. I've often wondered how people in my mother's condition, who don't have a family member to be their advocate, make it through these health episodes. If all nurses were like Steve, I know the answer.