Sue May
November 2012
4JPW Med-Surgical Oncology
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
Iowa City
United States
In addition to her "day job" as a staff nurse, Sue has a passion for and interest in alternative medicine, healing touch and music therapy. She was nominated by a patient who was grateful for Sue's offer to play the flute for her to help with pain and symptom management. Sue volunteers on her days off to do this for patients. The nomination read:
I had just had a bone marrow biopsy. Sue came to my bedside and asked if she could play the flute for me. It was so beautiful and it took away whatever pain I had. Sue is truly a healer even when I am not her patient. She comes to my bedside to see me and talk with me, giving me encouraging words. To me, she is a really marvelous nurse. She is more than the everyday task associated with nursing. She brought me a St. Francis medallion with healing written on the back. She said I carry this in my pocket, and I want you to have it. Sue has a healing touch, which has helped me for many days of my more than 22 days in the hospital.
I had just had a bone marrow biopsy. Sue came to my bedside and asked if she could play the flute for me. It was so beautiful and it took away whatever pain I had. Sue is truly a healer even when I am not her patient. She comes to my bedside to see me and talk with me, giving me encouraging words. To me, she is a really marvelous nurse. She is more than the everyday task associated with nursing. She brought me a St. Francis medallion with healing written on the back. She said I carry this in my pocket, and I want you to have it. Sue has a healing touch, which has helped me for many days of my more than 22 days in the hospital.