Susan Devery-Magro
May 2021
Infusion Department
Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA) (PA)
United States




Sue has a sense of humor that gets her patients to open up to her.
Sue is such a bright light to all of her infusion patients. Sue helps calm fears at first treatments and continues to celebrate at each treatment with our patients. Sue gets to know her patients' likes and dislikes, she remembers with each treatment to help things go as smoothly as possible with our patients. She brings in treats or gives them a card just so they know someone is thinking of them.

Sue has a sense of humor that gets her patients to open up to her.

For one patient in particular she was very quiet. Sue got her to open up by asking her what she likes; it turns out she (the patient) likes to cook. Before you know it Sue and our patient were sharing recipes. Sue is competitive ( if you know her well) before you know it Sue was making her recipes and had others judge who’s was the best. ( I had the privilege to be a taste tester, it was close I am not picking sides. ) The patient and caregiver always laugh and said “let Sue win” This turned into a friendship for Sue and our patient. As time goes on and our patient is starting to declined Sue continues to make sure the patient has what she needs. She will make her food ( using the patient's recipe) just to get her to eat and enjoy her remaining days. She visits the patient regularly to make sure she sees a familiar face from our team during her transition to hospice.

I have had the privilege to take care of our patient and she always looked forward to going to infusion when she knew Sue was going to be her nurse for the day. She would say it puts her at ease, knowing she was in good hands. This is just one of many stories of how Sue goes up and beyond for our patients