November 2016
University of San Francisco School of Nursing
San Francisco
United States




Dr. Prion received multiple nominations for the DAISY Faculty award. Here are some excerpts from these nominations.
"She has always been there for me, always willing to meet off campus and outside of normal school hours.  During my summer internship, she texted me several times to check on me and tell me how proud she was of my accomplishments.  Dr. Prion is the definition of a steward of the nursing profession. She is selfless, motivated, and determined for the betterment and the success of each individual student, the SONHP, and the nursing profession as a whole. I wouldn 't be here without her support."
"Dr. Susan Prion is the epitome of perfection, she 's the academic advisor that everyone wants, and the motherly figure that is not afraid to tell you how it is when you know you are messing up. I was academically disqualified, and I felt defeated, unwanted and worthless. I was always taught growing up not to ask for help. Being the kind and patient individual that she is, she came to me. Sacrificing time from her extremely busy schedule, she worked me with for countless hours of running through med calculations by the dozen, numerous HESI questions that seems to never end, and loads of case studies that took all day.  She stood by me when all else failed and kept giving me hope and motivation to "never accept defeat."  She found the help that I needed to be a better student but I think also to be a better person.  I was recently diagnosed with dyslexia and I felt like an outcast. Dr. Prion taught me to be humble with it, to have a sense of awareness, but it does not define who I am."
"Mama Prion- Where do I even begin? There are never enough words to describe how Dr. Prion has helped me during my time here at USF. Dr. Prion has made my life easier, she truly, truly has. She makes sure that my worries are in the right place and that they are practical. She makes sure that I cut the unnecessary aspects of my life out and make sure that I focus on what 's important. She makes sure that I am focused, but that I am having fun and taking care of myself too. The thing that is so great is that she doesn 't just do this with me, she does this with all the students she mentors and advises. I have yet to hear someone say something negative about her, and I 'm pretty sure that I never will. I can only hope to be half the person/nurse she is one day and I hope that she knows how grateful I am for what she has contributed to my life."