Talia Merricks
June 2020
RN, Clinical Nurse Specialist
Haematology, Cancer Centre
University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust




Talia was very supportive and concerned to make sure I felt that I was not alone, despite me being isolated from my family.
Talia Merricks has been an absolute rock for me lately during the lockdown. I've been having several symptoms relating to probable infections as well as allergies and my ongoing fight with fatigue. She has spoken to me several times on the phone, and on the ward, often taking the time at a moment when her workload has allowed her to really listen.
I had been a bit worried about switching to a new CNS as there is so much water under the bridge with me that it helps to know someone understands my story. Talia has taken the time to really get to know me and understand some of the traumatic experiences I have had. She was very supportive and concerned to make sure I felt that I was not alone, despite me being isolated from my family. She's helped me to contain my understandable anxiety.
Talia also works with other colleagues such as the immunology team to try and ensure my Care is coordinated. Her focus on how to improve my quality of life in terms of resolving the allergy symptoms and trying to capture the increased energy levels that I have felt on steroids has been so helpful. I'll never forget her saying "we have to find a way to capture that" after one conversation where, because I was on a steroid, she could see a glimpse of the "old me".
I give Talia my thanks and my appreciation for her going above and beyond the call of duty. It means such a lot to me to have a name and a face I can turn to at difficult times for support and help and medical advice. She is always swift to identify the question that needs an answer and go find out the answer if she can't answer it.