Tammy Marquez de la Plata
August 2017
Marquez de la Plata
Polytrauma Transitional Rehabilitation Program
South Texas Veteran Health Care
San Antonio
United States




Ms. Tamara Marquez De La Plata is the Assistant Nurse Manager of the Polytrauma Transitional Rehabilitation Program (PTRP). As a leader, Ms. Marquez is professional, motivated, and well respected by her staff. However, her dedication goes beyond administrative. Ms. Marquez displays outstanding customer service skills which fosters connection with Veterans and ADSM at a personal level.
Ms. Marquez has volunteered numerous hours as an Ambassador. During this time, she greets our Veterans with a smile and welcomes them to the facility. When needed she is happy to assist or escort them to their appointments, but her commitment to our Veterans does not stop there. Ms. Marquez works with a unique population at PTRP. Some of her patients lack the physical, cognitive, and/or financial capabilities to care for themselves.
There was a patient that had long hair which he could no longer maintain himself. Prior to his injury, he was proud of his hair and he kept it neat and braided. When Ms. Marquez learned of this, she personally would come to work early and braid his hair to get his day started. This simple yet meaningful task improved the patient's motivation and self-esteem.
There was another patient who lacked the motor skills to cut his finger and toenails. Ms. Marquez arranged a convenient time, in between the patient's scheduled therapies, and trimmed his nails.
In addition, there was a female ADSM who was uncomfortable with her colostomy and her body image. Ms. Marquez personally connected with her; listening to her thoughts and fears. Ms. Marquez addressed each point and eased her apprehensions. Ms. Marquez then walked her through her colostomy changes and ensured the appropriate supplies were available to the ADSM. Ms. Marquez even informed her of decorative colostomy belts which hide the colostomy site and the collection bag; improving her self-image. Ms. Marquez and the ADSM then shopped for the products online. Ms. Marquez personally helped this individual accept her new situation while improving her self-image and confidence.
Most recently, a veteran was admitted to PTRP who had little financial resources and a limited support system. His personal situation, unfortunately, resulted in him arriving at PTRP with only 2-3 outfits and shoes with holes in them. After hearing this, Ms. Marquez rose to the occasion. She arranged for a bag of clothes to be donated to him and she personally bought him two new pairs of shoes.
There is never a time that Ms. Marquez does not go above and beyond for her patients. She exemplifies the ICARE qualities and supports the VA's mission to provide the best care and services to Veterans. Ms. Marquez has undeniably made a positive difference in the lives of many of her patients.