Taylor Wubben
March 2021
Avera McKennan Hospital & University Health Center
My husband has NH Lymphoma. He started chemotherapy and later tested positive for COVID-19. I feel strongly enough to share with you that Taylor's skills were more than caring for the physical needs and requirements of checking vitals, administering medication, checking with doctors for answers to questions we had. She also cared by showing genuine kindness to both of us. She checked with my husband then always asked if she could do anything for me.
My husband's blood pressure was low several times. Taylor took the time to hand me a note with a link to order a BP cuff so it was at our home when we arrived after discharge. She asked about our children and grandchildren as we had told her how hard it has been, being unable to be with them during this time of distancing.
Those might seem like little things, but it showed she cared about us. She works hard to make her patients comfortable.
Thank you, Taylor!
My husband's blood pressure was low several times. Taylor took the time to hand me a note with a link to order a BP cuff so it was at our home when we arrived after discharge. She asked about our children and grandchildren as we had told her how hard it has been, being unable to be with them during this time of distancing.
Those might seem like little things, but it showed she cared about us. She works hard to make her patients comfortable.
Thank you, Taylor!