Taylor Wylie
December 2020
TriStar Centennial Medical Center and TriStar Ashland City Medical Center
Taylor is very sharp and tuned into her patients. She recognized a speech problem post-surgery, aphasia (difficulty finding word or name in an otherwise recovering patient). This aphasia was different than disorientation or delirium from anesthesia or pain meds. She sought the baseline function of her patient from family members, when she realized he had a high level of intelligence and verbal skills she insisted on an emergency CT that night rather than "wait and watch."
The source and cause of his aphasia are complex, but he is receiving speech evaluation and speech therapy in a timely manner as well as other modifications. Taylor does not underestimate her older patients and she pursues evaluation and treatment when she knows something more is needed. She made sure the family and patient knew the results of the CT (head) when the intensive care MD was too busy. And she provided continuity of care that night and checked on the patient herself the next morning.
This represents a very high standard of care, that she likely provides for every patient she encounters every day. Taylor is a GREAT RN!
The source and cause of his aphasia are complex, but he is receiving speech evaluation and speech therapy in a timely manner as well as other modifications. Taylor does not underestimate her older patients and she pursues evaluation and treatment when she knows something more is needed. She made sure the family and patient knew the results of the CT (head) when the intensive care MD was too busy. And she provided continuity of care that night and checked on the patient herself the next morning.
This represents a very high standard of care, that she likely provides for every patient she encounters every day. Taylor is a GREAT RN!