Thea Horsthuis
May 2023
Adventist Health Sonora
United States




Thea helped my husband find a hotel that had a room available and packed me a goody bag with broth, pudding, tea, and Jello, knowing that nothing would be open and I had not eaten in 24 hours.
I was scheduled for surgery at 1330, but unfortunately, due to a difficult surgery earlier in the day, I did not get into surgery until about 1830. This was during the bad weather and low snow we had been enduring. Thea volunteered to stay with me while I was the only one left in pre op at this time and I was moved to the recovery room until the doctor was ready. She volunteered to stay with me, allowing the rest of the nurses to go home safely, even though she lived on the other side of the river. After surgery and I was ready to go home, I was unable to get home due to the snow even though my son had plowed earlier in the day. Thea helped my husband find a hotel that had a room available and packed me a goody bag with broth, pudding, tea, and Jello, knowing that nothing would be open and I had not eaten in 24 hours. She stayed by herself, giving the rest of the staff time to get home before it was too dangerous to do so. She also made sure I was taken care of with everything I would need to be comfortable for the night. Thea went above and beyond her job duties to make sure my husband and I would have a safe, warm place for the night and something for me to eat. She is truly someone who loves her job and her patients. A nurse that Adventist Health should be proud to have on their staff.