Titi Matanisiga
October 2021
Maternity Department
Mediclinic City Hospital
United Arab Emirates




Titilila helped me progress when I told her that I couldn’t take it.
I was in labor and there was a shift change while I was still dilating. I think it was heaven-sent when she was my midwife for my opted all-natural water birth. As soon as she came in, her evident care towards me and my baby was so impactful. By the time I went to the water, I was losing it and screaming but she was so calm and composed. She kept soothing me and talking to me, telling me to stay with her and breathe through the pain. I felt tremendously safe in her care because it showed that she was an expert at this.

Titilila helped me progress when I told her that I couldn’t take it. She helped me by breaking my water and making sure that I was hydrated. My dream was to give birth in the water. She didn’t know this but when it became too exhausting for me, she gave me options on how I can be relieved. When I reached the bed, I started crowning and had the big urge to push but she reminded me of my dream. She kept asking me if I wanted to go back in the water.

At first, I refused but with her unrelenting support, I had the urge to stand up while my baby’s head was almost out and climbed into the tub. It was the best decision. While pushing, my baby’s shoulder got stuck but she managed to help him get out. She was amazing. My doctor did not make it. She delivered my baby but I am so glad that it was her. I met her at 6/7 pm and delivered at quarter to 10 pm. I felt safe under her care and felt like we’ve known each other for so long. She respected our wishes and our birth plan. Her work was a seal of perfection and proof why choosing Mediclinic City as our hospital was an excellent choice. I will forever remember my first birth experience so vividly wonderful because of her. Thank you, Midwife, you are a blessing to us and to our baby. All our love to you! God Bless!