Tom Di Giacomo
March 2022
Trauma Neuro Unit
Lancaster General Hospital, Penn Medicine
United States




Tom was able to connect with the patient and family over the several days that he cared for her and ensured this devastating situation was met with kindness and compassion.
Tom DiGiacomo is an extraordinary nurse in the TNU. I recently had an experience with Tom caring for my dear friend. Tom was not only compassionate but went above and beyond to care for her during her hospital stay. My friend had been diagnosed with Lymphoma early in 2021, but in the late fall, she got COVID and then developed AIP. She struggled to stay at home, but on her son's birthday, she went by ambulance to LGH and was admitted. My friend was transferred to TNU the following day and the decision was made to put her on a ventilator.

On Christmas Eve, my friend's husband, mother, and children met with her provider and decided to continue the ventilator and change antibiotics for broader coverage. Unfortunately, she continued to decline and the family met with her providers again, but this time the decision was made to extubate her and make her comfortable. Her family and I were at the bedside when they decided to extubate at 1500. To, asked who wanted to stay at the bedside and we all declined. Tom asked that we give him 45 minutes so I took the family to the cafeteria for a drink and a snack, not knowing what we would find when we came back to the room.

We returned 45 minutes later to find her still breathing, but agonal and guppy breathing. Tom and I talked about how hard it was because not only was the patient a friend but she was also a young nurse, one of our own. Tom stayed in the room with us, not only reassuring us but also distracting us from what was happening. Tom’s compassion was heartfelt and helped us all beyond measure. As I was crying, Tom asked me if I was ok and I replied yes. Toms said BS and wrapped me in a big hug which was just what I needed at that moment. Tom supported the patient's family and me through the end of her life when she passed peacefully at 1600.

Tom was able to connect with the patient and family over the several days that he cared for her and ensured this devastating situation was met with kindness and compassion. We are forever grateful for Tom and the love and care he showed my friend. Tom is one of a kind!

Thank you, Tom, for all you do in caring for your patients. Tom is an excellent example of what people in the nursing field should strive to be.