Tomia McGee
May 2023
Hampton Veterans Affairs Medical Center
United States




Ms. McGee advocated for the Veteran to be seen immediately. She utilized her clinical judgment, called the Veteran, triaged her, and had her report to the emergency department for care.
Ms. Tomia McGee is an amazing nurse that does a fabulous job for the endocrinology department. Her dedication to the Veterans is above all others. During the unexpected extended absence of her provider, Ms. McGee triaged and managed over 100 Veterans that had scheduled appointments. She collaborated with other departments including the diabetic educator outside vendors and the pharmacy to make sure all the Veterans received the care they needed.

During the absence, 100% of the Veterans received care with no lapse in medication refills, labs, etc. She advocated for those that needed higher levels of care even when others did not. Example: a female Veteran sent a secure message stating she was having symptoms of heart palpations and other symptoms that were not normal for her. The Veteran also stated they recently found out they were pregnant. Ms. McGee advocated for the Veteran to be seen immediately. She utilized her clinical judgment, called the Veteran, triaged her, and had her report to the emergency department for care. Her actions led to the Veteran having necessary medication adjustments and a resolution of her symptoms. If it were not for her actions the Veteran would have had other serious complications. She is proactive and addressed potential problems early.

Another example: Veterans were having problems running out of insulin in their continuous pumps on a regular basis. Ms. McGee reached out to the company and discussed what was happening with the Veterans. She then coordinated an in-service for both the providers, nurses, and one on one for Veterans. This reinforcement has decreased the incidence of refills of insulin out of the cycle. I could go on and on about the exceptional care she gives but these are just a few of the numerous examples of how fantastic she is. We are truly lucky to have her in our clinic.