Tracy McKinney
September 2020
Schneck Medical Center
United States




I am writing to express my deep gratitude to your staff. They administered the care with professionalism and sensitivity that made a difficult time more manageable. With their excellent care, our family was able to carry out my dad's wish to stay at home and to provide him a comfortable quality of life.
But most of all, I am profoundly grateful to our hospice nurse, Tracy. She was our rock. She was skilled, professional, and explained the process and procedures clearly and understandably. Her skill and knowledge of nursing care was exemplary. Her trust that we could administer his medication accurately gave us confidence that we could. But her true strength was her compassion and ability to comfort. She was so gentle as she cleaned and dressed all my dad's wounds. She was so patient as she explained many times that it is unknowable when the end would come. She held my dad's hand when he wanted to give up and just die. She hugged me when I was overwhelmed by Dad's condition and reminded me that my emotions were a sign of my love for him. And in his final hours, when it was so difficult to watch his struggle, when I witnessed things that were heart-wrenching for me, when I needed extra strength to be emotionally and physically present, she was truly, gently supporting our family. With her compassionate care, our family accomplished our goal of keeping Dad at home.