Travis McSpadden
March 2021
Ortho Spine
MultiCare Deaconess Hospital




Travis was an excellent and attentive nurse; his skills and knowledge were truly perfect.
I first met Travis McSpadden when I was at Deaconess for 11 days for a DHE Headache Protocol. He was amazing each time he came into the room to start the treatment. He also was extra helpful when my wife and I were confused about the discharge. I meet him again when I went to his floor after being in ICU.
This was my 5th brain surgery and my 9th brain surgery total. I have been to hospitals in New York, Wenatchee, and Spokane. I have encountered numerous nurses over the years. I can honestly say, what we experienced with Travis McSpaddens's genuine kindness and honest sincerity for me and my wife was truly extraordinary. After having the brain surgery, I had a few complications. I was left paralyzed on my entire left side. It took several days for me to understand what had happened as I was exceptionally cloudy with my thinking. However, there was always Travis!
The day shift would come on and my wife and I would be so excited that for 12 hours, Travis: the human cheerleader; the man with a shoulder to cry on (if she could reach it); the gentleman that helped me take my first "step"; the nurse that understood (without saying a word) that I needed a bid so I could attempt to feed myself; the superman that made us laugh; the friend that understood my fears of going to rehab; the selfless soul that wrapped his arms around my wife just let her cry; the angel that gave us both hope. He was an excellent and attentive nurse; his skills and knowledge were truly perfect.
However, to me and our family, he was so much more. He truly was a friend, a guide, a counselor, a light in our darkest and scariest moments. He saw the fear in my face the day the drivers came to take me to Rehab, and he gave me a smile and said to me, "It will all be ok"! Such simple words, but the heartfelt meaning in his voice was magical. The whole ride to the rehab I was scared that I would never walk again, and I would hear Travis's voice telling me it would be ok.
He is a magical nurse, with the power to heal, not only the surgical wounds but also the emotional trauma that comes with a life-changing event. He took care of me and my wife with his humor, smiles, encouragement, and respect. He will forever be in our hearts and the most important aspect of my healing. We will forever be grateful for his care, compassion, and optimism. I delayed writing this until my brain got a little clearer and my hand could keep up with my thoughts. It would be a shame and complete disgrace if Travis did not receive this award as he sincerely embodies the true nature of going above and beyond. He is a true Hero in our book and if there was ever a nurse that deserved to be recognized for compassionate care for a patient and family, Travis McSpadden is the one! Deaconess should be proud to have Travis working for them! I am so grateful he was our nurse!