Valerie Ludwig
October 2015
Medical/Surgical Unit
Jefferson University Hospitals
United States




I was admitted to Jefferson because the night before I had overdosed on an excessive amount of drugs. According to the doctors, I almost died because there was a deadly combination of drugs in my system. Honestly, I felt as though I no longer cared because my husband, my soulmate, my best friend died and took a huge piece of me with him. But I can't be selfish and think like that because now my three children only have one parent. I came to Jefferson Hospital to get help and get on the Methadone program and get my life back again. Once I arrived at Jefferson, I was examined and found out that I was 13-weeks pregnant! I had no clue! I felt at first excited that my husband had left me this life before he lost his own and that a part of him is still living inside of me. But then reality set in and for the first time in 12 years I realized I am now a single mom of three children and one on the way. Financially, we will be ok. My children and I will receive my late husband's benefits but emotionally, mentally and physically I wanted to curl up into a ball and die or run far, far away neither of which I can do because I have children that have no father and need their mother. So literally about 5-10 times a day, no exaggeration, I had been debating leaving the hospital because the withdrawal is so excruciating painful and horrible, physically and mentally. If I had left, I would have used, so I wouldn't be in withdrawal and would have most likely died. If it weren't for Valerie Ludwig's caring, nurturing and sincere attitude, I would have left the hospital several times. She saved my life again. Several times she calmed me down and got me to stay just by listening to me and giving me the extra attention I truly needed because I have no one to talk to or confide in. Valerie made me feel so welcomed and comfortable the second I entered her floor. I will be forever grateful for the compassionate care she gave me. She has truly made a huge difference in my life, if not for her I might be dead right now. I feel like I owe her my life. She is an amazing nurse and all around amazing person. No matter how busy she was; she always had a smile on her face, she never seemed frustrated, and managed to attend to my needs, She often just let me cry and offered to listen to vent my feelings. She is the most generous, selfless and kindest person that I've ever met, not just in the hospital but life in general. I would hope that every nurse would take some direction from her because it would make everyone a lot happier. I hope that Valerie gets the recognition she deserves beyond words. I thank you for listening, and I will never forget the impact that Valerie Ludwig has left in my life. I will forever be grateful to her.