Vanessa Willoughby
January 2023
Inpatient Rehabilitation
Ochsner St. Mary Hospital Morgan City
Morgan City
United States




The patient and his family were very appreciative of the care that he was given, but also of the time that Vanessa spent with him to comfort him in this most difficult time in his life.
There was a patient admitted to the Rehab unit. At the same time that the patient was admitted for treatment, the patient's wife of 60+ years was admitted to Hospice.  A co-worker tells us about the compassionate care, empathy, and the extent that Vanessa went to, in an attempt to assure that his physical, but more importantly emotional, and mental needs were met. The patient and his family were very appreciative of the care that he was given, but also of the time that Vanessa spent with him to comfort him in this most difficult time in his life. The co-worker tells us that Vanessa is a very, very, very loving and caring nurse with all of her patients! She always put the patients and her co-workers' needs ahead of her own needs. She added that she submitted this story of Vanessa's extraordinary care, but this was only one instance of Vanessa's compassion and love for what she does and the love that she has for her patients.