Victoria Johnson
March 2024
Birthing Center
Ascension St. Vincent Kokomo
United States




Victoria hopped onto my bed and continued to keep me calm and told me she knew my baby was ok because she was holding her head in her hand and could feel her heartbeat through the cord that was lying across her wrist.
I was admitted to labor and delivery on a Friday morning at 36 weeks and 4 days, with high blood pressure due to preeclampsia. I was originally admitted just for monitoring but that quickly changed when my blood pressure was going up and not coming back down. I was put on a magnesium IV and Pitocin since they decided to induce me. I also had gestational diabetes, so I guess you could consider me a challenge, but I'm also a lot of fun, so I think that made up for it. Victoria was my night nurse on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night. She did an incredible job making sure I was comfortable and stable and definitely lifted my spirits up while I was stuck in the hospital with two IVs and having to go to the bathroom for what felt like every 10 minutes. I was getting medication every 3 hours to help soften my cervix and eventually ended up with a Foley bulb and epidural.

It was Sunday night, about 8 pm, and my husband had just gone home to shower and get some sleep since they were expecting our little lady to come early Monday morning. My mom was in the room using the restroom and getting ready to head home when all of a sudden, I felt a rush of fluid and said something wasn't right. So my mom looked, and my water had broken, and the Foley bulb had come out. She went to let Victoria know that we needed her. Once Victoria came in, she checked me and immediately called for the doctor and said, "I can feel the cord." They told me that I would need to go for a cesarean section immediately. Victoria hopped onto my bed and continued to keep me calm and told me she knew my baby was ok because she was holding her head in her hand and could feel her heartbeat through the cord that was lying across her wrist. The baby was trying to come, but Victoria was literally holding her back so that she didn't press on her own cord. I could feel Victoria's hand cramping, but she never let go. They ended up having to put me to sleep for the delivery so I don't remember much else. But I woke up to a very beautiful baby girl that was completely healthy. I know that Victoria's quick actions saved my baby's life, and I just wanted to let her know that we are so thankful. W was born at 36 weeks and 6 days. She was 7lbs. 14oz. and is the best part of us.