Victoria McDonald
May 2024
Maternity Unit
East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust
United Kingdom




When our baby was brought up from NICU to the ward, I heard an excited Victoria say, "Yay, our baby is here." This short but meaningful sentence meant a lot to us as she genuinely cared that we were being reunited.
Day three of our stay at Lister following an emergency transfer from a home birth onto the Consultant Led Unit. I was relieved to see upon handover a midwife called Victoria, who introduced herself and made sure I received the best care possible. At this point, my baby was still in the NICU and was unable to be with me on the ward. She spent time with me on my own to talk about how I was and make sure I had everything I needed. She liaised with the nursery nurses to get me a pump so I was able to provide colostrum to the NICU for my baby to have through his nasal tube. She made sure I had water and snacks while pumping as my husband was with the baby. 

We spent a lot of time down in the NICU, but Victoria made sure she was in constant contact with the nurses there to get updates on our baby’s progress. While we were down in the NICU, she heard that the decision was made that he would be able to come back up onto the ward later that day. Without us asking, Victoria had changed the room around to accommodate the phototherapy light that the baby would need to be under, ensuring we were comfortable. When our baby was brought up from NICU to the ward, I heard an excited Victoria say, "Yay, our baby is here." This short but meaningful sentence meant a lot to us as she genuinely cared that we were being reunited. I didn't get a chance to say thank you to her upon handover but we are very, very grateful for everything Victoria did and felt for us while we were in her care. Thank you.