Walter E
May 2023
Walter E
Bob Jones University
United States




He validates her feelings with kindness.  He becomes her voice.  She finally sinks into her bed-- with the peaceful assurance that someone cares.
Imagine yourself in the emergency department of a busy hospital.  

You hear a call bell ring.  

She’s frail--- with so many lived years behind her.  

Trembling with anxiety -- She is afraid.  She presses the call bell again.  Everyone is so busy.  There is chatter outside her door saying that she is confused...  “Nothing anyone can do”, “This is how she does,” “There’s nothing wrong with her,” they say.  

The hectic pace continues outside her room with seemingly no regard for her pleas.

A student nurse is in the hall…

Without hesitation, he announces he is going to see what he can do to make her feel better.  He goes into her room and sits down with her.  

He listens.  

His presence gives her comfort.  

He validates her feelings with kindness.  He becomes her voice.  She finally sinks into her bed-- with the peaceful assurance that someone cares.

Such a small thing— pulling up a chair….

But to her, it was everything.

This isn’t a story about heroic measures and saving a life---or is it? 

This is the story of a nurse and a patient.  The story of a compassionate, Spirit-filled nurse.  The story of a nurse with a calling to serve ---to serve the unheard and the unseen.  This is one of the many ways that Walter (Eddie) Loescher has demonstrated excellence in nursing care.