Wendy Garcia
April 2024
Mount Sinai Medical Center
Miami Beach
United States




I'll never forget how happy I was that Wendy could help me when I was feeling so scared and hopeless.
Last month I had the misfortune of becoming a patient at MSMC myself. While admitted, I was ordered to have a repeat CT scan with IV contrast. I have an existing, stable DVT in my left arm, which means I cannot use it for blood draws, IVs, blood pressures, etc. In short, I can only use my right arm for IVs. I had already been admitted for a week, which meant my only viable arm was already covered in bruises and had many blown veins. I had an ultrasound IV placed in my upper right arm just two days prior, which was intended to be used for the administration of IV contrast. My nurse flushed the IV before I left 7 tower to ensure that it still worked, which it was. When I arrived in radiology, I was greeted by the staff, as well as Wendy Garcia, the CT nurse. They set me up with some warm blankets and connected me to the contrast for the CT. I've had many CT scans in my life, so I know what to expect, however, this time was different. I didn't feel the warm rush of the iodine all over my body, and my underarm started to feel strange and tight. By the time I had realized what had happened, it was too late to stop it - my IV had infiltrated and the entirety of the iodine contrast and saline flush had been dispersed into the area of my upper arm and underarm. I panicked. The feeling was horrible, my arm was swollen, tight, and painful. I was so scared because I knew this arm would likely not hold another IV attempt, and my other arm was deemed unusable. I panicked remembering the last time I needed to have a central line placed. Wendy rushed in with the other techs and called for the radiology resident to come examine my arm while they gathered supplies to relieve the swelling (warm compress and compression ACE wrap). Wendy calmed me down, wrapped my arm, and consoled me while I was totally freaking out. Then, I began to "fall asleep" over and over, I didn't understand why I felt so sleepy all of a sudden. Wendy kept waking me up because I was fainting! I had never experienced fainting before in my entire life! It was such a frightening experience. Wendy kept talking to me and re-assuring me I would be okay once they checked my neurovascular status with the radiology resident. The other nurses were determined to complete the CT scan with the IV contrast, but I felt so hopeless because I knew my arm was really damaged from all of the blown IVs and blood draws. Wendy kept me calm and distracted. It worked perfectly for the CT scan, and all of my subsequent IV medications until the day I was discharged. I'll never forget how happy I was that Wendy could help me when I was feeling so scared and hopeless. Thank you Wendy & the radiology team, you truly give excellent patient care!