Wendy Rowe-Campbell
July 2024
(Registered Nurse - Mental Health) RNMH
Department of Mental Health
Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust
United Kingdom




The nominator says that Wendy never gave up on her and that she was worthy of life. She talks of Wendy’s kindness, offering hope and reassurance.
The nominator talks of her fear of being admitted and feelings of being alone.

They now see the admission as a new beginning because Wendy Rowe-Campbell and her support had a profound impact on her life that words would never be able to express. The nominator says that Wendy never gave up on her and that she was worthy of life. She talks of Wendy’s kindness, offering hope and reassurance.

Wendy went above and beyond when faced with adversity and challenges. The nominator talks about the honouree’s listening skills and compassion without judgment and, in a sentence, turning a very dark time into one of the brightest.