Winter Panton
June 2020
Mother/Baby Unit
Winter Haven Women's Hospital
Winter Haven
United States




Our NICU has had some special cases lately - some that have been emotionally draining. There was a 13-year-old who had a baby. Department of Children and Families (DCF) was involved. This young Mom had been through some horrific experiences in her life already.
At one point there was a family member visiting who was causing a lot of pressure on this Mom and the Mom started to cry. Winter showed such empathy and compassion to this young Mom. She sat down with her and listened. The Mom was afraid her baby was going to be taken away from her. Winter updated her as much as she could and assured her she had done nothing wrong.
Another day the young Mom was in tears all day. DCF had ruled for no visitation from her family and she felt very alone. She had siblings she couldn't even see. Winter sat down with her and spent quality time with her. Another day Winter had noticed the young girl was still wearing the same clothes all week. She gave her a gown and washed her clothes for her. She taught her how to take care of her baby.
Winter brought tears to my eyes how she took care of the whole person and baby. She displayed a heart of gold. She was "there" for her when she had no one else in her family that could be with her.
Winter made her feel like someone cared in the system. She showed true understanding, empathy and compassion. She gave this girl confidence and listened to her fears. I'm sure this young Mom will never forget the love and compassion she was given.