Yolanda Salas
May 2021
Cardiac Rehab
Mercy Hospital Cassville
United States




I want to thank Yolanda for always being a team player and providing the best care for our patients.
I would like to recognize Yolanda for always going above and beyond for her patients. She has been traveling to Aurora to complete Cassville stress tests on her day off for several weeks since the fire. She always steps in to help provide the best care possible for our patients and does so with no complaints. Yolanda is a huge asset to both Aurora and Cassville Cardiac Rehabs.

On one of the said days, an unclear, garbled message was left on the voicemail in Aurora. Yolanda was able to identify the person as a previous patient and another staff member called a well-check in. The patient was having a stroke. If it wasn’t for the connection she makes with all her patients, the patient could have possibly not been identified in a timely manner. I want to thank her for always being a team player and providing the best care for our patients.