Zainab Mahagoub
February 2016
Outpatients Department
Security Forces Hospital
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia




It was one of the busiest Tuesday afternoons in OPD when Zainab finished her clinic at almost 6 pm. When she was about to go when she found out that her colleague and her patient needed assistance. The NG tube of the child was accidentally removed and required reinsertion. As per policy, patients are required to attend the Emergency Room. Zainab took it upon herself to liaise with the primary physician and the Nursing Supervisor to seek permission to reinsert the NG in the clinic. She was passionate that she did not want the parent and child to have to go through the long process of going to the ED where the wait time can be very long. She said it was in the patient's best interest to have the procedure done in a calm environment and it also would reduce the stress of the parent. This is an extraordinary effort from a nurse who was supposed to end her shift but then extended her time to promptly serve her patient. Her empathy and kindness hold true not just on this occasion. This is Zainab, an Extraordinary Nurse.