Zaneta Wylazlowska
December 2018
Intensive Care Unit
Mariners Hospital
United States
I had surgery at your hospital this spring. I had to return each day, twice a day, for Lonevox injections to prevent blood clots and bring my blood to a safe level due to my afib. This was exhausting - I had left shoulder surgery, and I am left-handed. This made it difficult to keep my hygiene up, even with my husband's help. One night, as I walked into the ICU to await the report on my blood level, I apologized to the nurses for my greasy; stringy hair and unkempt look, saying that I hadn't been able to shower yet. The nurse, Zaneta, put me in a room, pulled the curtain, brought in warm soapy wipes, towels, and dry shampoo cap. She then began to 'clean' me sweetly and gently. She did my hair with the cap. Her empathy and compassion almost brought me to tears as I hadn't asked for all this extra care. This nurse is just one reason why I love Mariners Hospital. Such individual care.