Jennifer McMahon
December 2019
Quality and Clinical Effectiveness
Loma Linda University Medical Center - Murrieta
United States




Jennifer McMahon has been an employee with Loma Linda University Medical Center- Murrieta since the very beginning. She started here as a charge nurse on our 4th floor, transitioned to Quality working as the peer review coordinator, performance improvement coordinator and on to the Director of Quality. Sadly, Jennifer was diagnosed with Stage 4 melanoma and took a leave of absence. The great news is that she fought her battle with cancer and returned. Upon her return, she became the Oncology Nurse Navigator where she is today. Jennifer visits with every newly diagnosed cancer patient, as well as any other oncology patients who request her and she is able to truly relate to them. She is one of the kindest, most caring individuals I have ever met. Jennifer goes above and beyond to help these patients. I understand this is supposed to contain one specific story but there are so very many, it's hard to pick one. She has done everything from comforting a dying patient and their family to picking up a prescription and hand delivering it to their home; watching a patient's children so she was able to have a biopsy done to taking calls on her personal cell phone at all hours. Jennifer is an amazing nurse- she has continued her education, most recently working on her DNP while still receiving chemotherapy herself. She is the perfect example of someone who lives the Loma Linda Mission, Vision, and Values. I believe Jennifer is a DAISY Nurse due to her compassion, teamwork, excellence, integrity, wholeness- everything we here at LLUMC-M value.