Becca McClam
July 2020
Labor and Delivery
Cone Health Women's & Children's Center at Moses Cone Hospital
United States




Becca was one of two nurses assigned to my labor and delivery room. She was compassionate from the moment we met. My first example of her compassion was when I was informed of the new requirement of wearing a mask for all of L&D. This was a shock to me because my doctor had told me prior that once my COVID test can back negative, I would be clear to remove my mask while laboring. This news along with my fear of induction extending and worsening labor brought me to tears. She did not try to explain this moment away but instead just gave me a warm smile and told me that I could do this. She checked in on me frequently after the Pitocin was administered and kept me informed of what the next plans were. Once my doctor broke my water she was sure to check back more frequently because she was aware of my history with epidurals and wanted to be sure that I got one as quickly as possible once that decision was made. She encouraged me through the tough parts of my labor and stayed with me while we waiting for the epidural to arrive. Once again due to COVID regulations, I was unprepared to hear that my husband was unable to support me through the epidural placement process. Becca held my hands and helped me keep my body still through my numerous painful contractions while the epidural was being placed. She continuously encouraged me verbally through this time. As is required she stayed with me after the epidural was placed but quickly noticed due to the level of pain and pressure I still felt that I was likely in transition and called for my doctor to check my dilation. I was so close that it was probably only another 30 minutes or so before I delivered my daughter. During this whole process, I felt as if Becca was a second support person that I brought with me, even though COVID regulations strictly limit you to one. The reason I know that she acted with extreme kindness and compassion is that I didn't feel like a patient at all when interacting with her.