November 2019
Bronson Methodist Hospital
United States




IMy elderly mother was a recent patient on the 3rd floor Adult Care floor, North Campus. After 3 previous hospital stays this year and a lengthy stay in a rehab facility, my father, siblings and I had many concerns and questions about our mom's state of health and future care. Although we had very good care from all our nurses at Bronson, Sarah K. stood out from the rest for a number of reasons. Sarah K. exemplifies all that nurses should be. It is clear that for her, nursing isn't a job it's her passion. She tenderly cared for my mom with a bright smile, trying to make what was a dreary time in my mom's life brighter. (I personally think she smiles in her sleep!) She approached even difficult moments with a positive attitude. Talk about your Bronson Positivity. My mom didn't want to eat anything. With a hemoglobin of 6, it was extremely important that she begin to regain her strength. Sarah K. helped her nutritionally by making her a milkshake so that she would eat. She was helpful and creative in finding ways to help my mom get better. Even when she wasn't specifically my mom's nurse, she was willing to whip up this signature milkshake. We were appreciative. We had so many questions and Sarah K. was kind and patient and willing to answer each one. If there were questions that she couldn't answer, she helped find us the resources we needed. In short, not only was my family appreciative of Sarah K.'s care of my mom, we were grateful for her kindness toward our family at a difficult time for us, too. If the medical world had more Sarah K.'s, I think people would heal faster and go home sooner. As a retired teacher, I think she would make an outstanding mentor for new nurses.
Sarah K. is the epitome of what a nurse should be.
Sarah K. worked on 3rd floor North Pavilion, in the Adult Unit. She is such a kind, compassionate person, and always wears a smile. Her willingness to answer questions and address our concerns was so helpful as we navigated what decisions needed to be made. While my mom received great care from all the staff, Sarah K. has a special way about her and really stands out.