Jackie Wright
January 2018
Neuro/Trauma ICU
Bryan Medical Center
United States
Jackie always shows such compassion in her work, whether it is involving direct patient care or serving on one of the many teams she participates in. Jackie is an amazing patient advocate and never hesitates to speak up for a patient or their family member when they are concerned or unsure about a procedure, test result, or what a doctor had explained. She is very skilled in communication and keeps all members of the patient care team updated even during the busiest of times. Jackie shows such attentiveness to detail when orientating a new hire or helping a co-worker who may be struggling with their daily work. She frequently checks in with her co-workers throughout the day to offer her assistance, even when she has a long list of items to complete. Her teamwork and selflessness are unmatched. Jackie is a true model of the Bryan Health Core Values and is such a valuable asset to the ICU.