Michelle Brandon
August 2017
Neuro ICU
Banner University Medical Center Phoenix Campus
United States
I underwent surgery and was a patient in your Neurosurgery ICU. The following morning upon rising, I began experiencing nausea, vomiting, and a terrible headache. I felt like divine intervention brought Michelle on duty. She immediately recognized these symptoms of distress and after watching me for a time, called in my surgeon's Nurse Practitioner and Physician's Assistant. Adjustments to my ventricular shunt were necessary and promptly addressed because of Michelle's alert attention. I will be forever grateful for her intervention.
In another matter, my right eye was significantly bothering me upon waking from surgery. Two days later it was still bothering and she listened when I suggested perhaps an ophthalmologist should look at it. Michelle researched and on Saturday afternoon was able to contact an ophthalmologist who directed her in the best way to treat the eye, and then set up an appointment for me to see a physician on Monday after my discharge. Incidentally, the eye had a rather large corneal abrasion that came about during anesthesia because the eye had not been properly closed.
Michelle is a real blessing and just the best. She's a top-notch, intelligent, and caring nurse. Please extend to her my deepest gratitude and appreciation.
In another matter, my right eye was significantly bothering me upon waking from surgery. Two days later it was still bothering and she listened when I suggested perhaps an ophthalmologist should look at it. Michelle researched and on Saturday afternoon was able to contact an ophthalmologist who directed her in the best way to treat the eye, and then set up an appointment for me to see a physician on Monday after my discharge. Incidentally, the eye had a rather large corneal abrasion that came about during anesthesia because the eye had not been properly closed.
Michelle is a real blessing and just the best. She's a top-notch, intelligent, and caring nurse. Please extend to her my deepest gratitude and appreciation.