Sarah Hilton
February 2018
Labor and Delivery
McAllen Medical Center
United States




One fateful Saturday, I went from being a working nurse on the floor to being a patient. My water broke at 33 weeks in the middle of my shift and had to be admitted at McAllen Medical Center. I was terrified. I am a cardiac nurse. Ask me about heart attacks and I can tell you about them, but labor and delivering is a whole another level. I remember trying to control my fears and anxiety. It was my first night in the hospital (ever!) and I was a bundle of nerves. I was worried about my baby and if he was going to be alright. How long was I going to be here? I am not ready for this!
Then Sarah came in that night and I swear she was an answer to my prayers. She began speaking to me about her son and family. How motherhood is an ongoing adventure. She showed me photos of her son and spoke of superheroes. Little did she know in those moments she calmed my husband and me. She made us feel like family and that we can overcome this obstacle and at the end of it, we are going to have our beautiful boy. She talked with us, made us laugh and was always clear on what she was doing. My husband and I did not see her again until after my son was born, but when we did, we were joyful and excited to show her pictures of our son. Sarah took our fears away that first night. She showed confidence and compassion. In all likelihood, Sarah was our Wonder Woman. She was our superhero. When Sarah is honored as a DAISY Nurse, she can show her little boy that his momma is a real-live superhero. Sarah will hold a special place in our hearts. Thank you from one nurse to another, but mostly from one mother to another.
"As a nurse, we have the opportunity to heal the heart, mind, soul, and body of our patients, their families and ourselves. They may forget your name, but they will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou