Mackenzie Kohlbrand
June 2020
Street 1 - COVID Unit
Winter Haven Hospital
Winter Haven
United States




Mackenzie stayed right there with me through it all. She prayed for me at my bedside. She presented the opportunity to help me heal spiritually in a very professional manner.
This entire team pulled me from the brink of death. There was one young lady in particular who moved me to my core.
The excellent care from the ICU unit and Street 1 is why I have chosen to be so open and public with my journey through COVID. My experiences have altered my life. Your staff restored my faith in my fellow humans' compassion. I never had a single negative experience with anyone. My Street 1 team was loving and dedicated. I chose to do my public education "campaign" as a way to give back to the medical community and help with educating the public.
I don't know if you were aware but the ten days, I spent on a ventilator was covered over with wild hallucinations of my medical team trying to keep me alive long enough to harvest my organs. It was horrifying. I left the ICU with PTSD from my hallucinations. The outpouring of love and support from the Street 1 staff and Mackenzie, in particular, went so very far to mitigate the PTSD I have experienced. EVERY person at WHH was amazing. Many of them went above and beyond.
Having said that, Mackenzie, in particular, was very intuitive and saw to my needs like no other. She wasn't my nurse as often as others were. Also, every care worker who entered my room looked the same. They all had head/face coverings and disposable blue gowns. I had two ways to tell who was who. One was physical differences/voices etc. The second way was the level of care. Mackenzie stayed right there with me through it all. She prayed for me at my bedside. She presented the opportunity to help me heal spiritually in a very professional manner. She was so tender, caring and compassionate.
The day she came in and pulled me out of bed she was large and in charge. I am a strong man and would not have responded to anything less. She took me right where I needed to be to respond and fight for myself when I was unable to do it on my own.
I run a company with over 60 employees and have done so for over 35 years. I know what dedication and sacrifice above self is first-hand. This young lady exhibits it on a level I have rarely experienced.
My battle with COVID broke me physically, emotionally and spiritually. This young Guardian Angel healed me in so many ways.