Binh Le
June 2019
Medical PCU
Orlando Regional Medical Center
United States




Binh is the nurse that I would want to be taking care of me or my family at any time; she truly cares for her patients and goes out of her way to make them feel special and unique. Nursing is not just a job or role for Binh, her patients and career really are a passion for her. There have been many instances where Binh goes out of her way for her team or her patients but one time, in particular, I was proud to not only be her nursing leader but also her peer and friend.
We had an elderly patient on the unit who had not been doing well for a long time; he never had any visitors, was bed-bound, lethargic and not often very alert. He never spoke and didn't appear as if he understood when the team members would speak to him. One day the patient started doing better medically, he was more alert and responsive. Binh was his nurse that day; she took it upon herself to go down to the hospital gift shop, spend her own money and buy her patient a small stuffed animal with bright colors and bright eyes. When she presented it to the patient, he lit up like a 5-year-old little boy again, started smiling, giggling and immediately gave it a kiss on the nose. She told him she brought him a friend that he could keep and take home with him. The patient would not stop smiling and started talking to Binh! We didn't even know he could talk!
He thanked her and took his new friend at his bedside to sit with him all while keeping a smile. This is just one example of a time where Binh simply wanted to make her patient feel good emotionally not just physically and she excelled at doing that. Seeing the change in the patient for myself and his reaction to her gift made me so proud of her and admire her even more. She is one of the most selfless, trustworthy, and empathetic people I know. She doesn't do things and expect to be rewarded or recognized, it's just simply who she is. She gave a patient we didn't think could talk or have any emotional response a touch of empathy and love and gave me her leader, tears of joy for how happy her patient became.