Kathryn Kientz
April 2018
Wesley Healthcare
United States




This last December we had a patient who was from out of town. They were Spanish speaking and had come to Wesley because the doctor had an opening that day. They left their home with no money or resources. They did not know anyone in Wichita. The doctor did the wife's procedure and wanted the couple to stay overnight in Wichita to be closer to the hospital. This was quite stressful for this impoverished couple to contemplate.
Seeing the situation, Kathryn tried to get help for them. She called Social Services, who had no ability to help. Then she called a close by hotel for a room but they were full. Finally, Kathryn "booked" them a room at a hotel, using her own credit card. The family was incredibly touched. Tears were in their eyes. This is one of the most generous things I have ever experienced in my 36 years of nursing. Considering it was Christmas time, and the expenses we all incur then, it made it even more poignant.